Allergy Free Baking with Big and Bear

Allergy Free Baking with Big and Bear

Name and Business: 

Steph – Big and Bear


Tell us who you are: 

I am a mother of two children aged 7 and 9 who have multiple allergies and anaphylaxis, We are a family of adventure and nourishing our body’s with food, words and daily habits.
I am also a practice manager at a dental practice and have been with this company coming up 15 years.


How do you start your mornings?

Wake up, glass of water with apple cider vinegar to kick start my digestion, Time with the children preparing for the day and squeeze in breath-work or mindfulness practice.


What is your product or Service? How does it help others?

Allergy free baking, Offering family’s a safe cake option for celebrations and to indulge.

If you could meet one person in the world dead or alive, who would it be? and why? and what would you ask them? 

Brene Brown, She has encouraged a lot of my current leadership style in my work, which spills over into parenting also. “What is in her tool kit, to bring her back ‘home’ when she is out of alignment”  


If I was face to face with a mumma who is struggling, what would be your message to her?

Breathe, (and I would actually breathe with them) Talk to them about filling their cup up and what plans can they put in place to support their wellbeing… We cant give from an empty cup.
- No one asked for perfection, just take each day as it comes and find harmony and balance, knowing that each week that looks different.


Where can we go for more information?

Instagram: bigandbear_

Although I am not that active on there, I am more a ‘in human’ form connection kind of person!


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