Empowering Women and Teens through Mindfulness and Yoga
Name and business:
Simone Michelle
Balance and Flow 4life
What do you offer?
Face to Face Yoga, meditation and feminine empowerment classes and workshops for women
Face to Face Yoga and Mindfulness for Preteen and Teen girls
School holiday yoga and craft workshops for kids and the girls
Private 1:1 sessions for Kids, teens and families
COMING SOON - Online group program for ladies - Returning home: A Live 5 week online group journey to activate your feminine power and presence,
returning to your body and soul, connecting back to your intuition to create your dreams and live your purpose.COMING SOON -Online program for preteen/teen girls - Journey to the Young Feminine
How did you get to this point?
My eldest son (now 21yrs) between the ages of 5-7yrs really struggled with separation anxiety and was a very sensitive boy. I looked around for any holistic programs that could help him and myself but there weren't any. It seemed to be the transition from daycare to school that was very challenging for him. I was working in child care myself at the time and studied a meditation course and from that I designed a 6 week program to offer in kindy room in Term 4 to teach kids simple tools and skills to help manage anxiety, frustration and anger.
Some tools such as, an understanding what happens in their body for feeling those strong emotions, breathing techniques, basic affirmations, yoga and a few other tools. I still teach this program in a few daycares around the Coast in Term 4.
From then I completed my kids yoga teacher training so I could combine yoga with my meditation and mindfulness teaching, then completed my adult yoga teacher training so I could offer more to the families and women.
Why do you think it’s important for teen and preteens learn mindfulness?
I think it is very important for preteen/teens to learn mindfulness as this allows them time out of the busy mind chatter which is not always positive. They spend more time now than ever on technology so it's very important for them to learn how to be still and happy within their bodies without constantly being entertained in the key.
They develop an awareness of what’s happening and how to pay attention to the experience through the senses and the mind. Being non-judgmental and observing with a neutral attitude, understanding their thoughts and feelings. Recognizing stillness in the mind and body, although the body may be moving. I have a FREE PDF on my website "Benefits of meditation for preteen/teens" https://balanceandflow4life.com.au/products-resources/
How can parents approach their teenagers about this topic?
Parents can chat with their Teen about an activity the Teen already enjoys such as a sport, reading, being creative, walking in nature. All these activities require us to be mindful, complete in the present moment, so they will have an understanding they already are practicing mindfulness. They can then explain that anytime they feel anxious or stressed they can use a mindfulness practice such as breathing to allow them to be in the present moment, not thinking about the past or worrying about the future.
What is an easy breathing or meditation exercise that mums or teenagers could do when they feel stressed?
The easiest way to bring anyone back into the present moment and be mindful is focusing on the breath. Notice the inhale and exhale, a simple practice is Square or box breathing.
Inhale through the nose to the count of 4
Hold at the top of the breath for a count of 4
Then gently exhale for a count of 4
At the bottom of the breath, pause and hold for the count of 4
Repeat 3 more times
When did you realise the power of yoga/mindfulness/meditation?
My dad is a meditator so I was introduced to meditation at a young age, I have also practiced yoga for over 20 years. But the power of the practice helped me as a single mum when my son was struggling, I then realised how much I needed it and wanted that time for stillness and peace, to be able to be a good mum and person to be able to help him and share my passion with others.
What advice would you give mums that are struggling to practice self care?
Start simple and try to schedule one self-care practice into their week, I have a FREE PDF on my website for mums to download with a planner and 60 self-care ideas. https://balanceandflow4life.com.au/products-resources/
A simple practice is to make a cup of tea and take time to sit and drink it without distractions, having some YOU time and not to feel guilty about it! Self-care is not selfish, it's essential!
What did you have for breakfast?
My go to - avocado on gluten free toast with a cup of tea.
Where can we go for more information?