My children’s biggest fear…

My children's biggest fear is me 'going back to hospital'. No matter how much I reassure them, they have been affected by that experience and I have learnt to accept that, because it changed our lives so much., over the past week, I have spoken to some gorgeous women on the Sunshine Coast, doing amazing things in all different areas of business.

While they were all different, they shared the same passion for helping other women and have developed a niche area that allows them to work from home and around their children. I can't wait to share their stories with you, so stay tuned! They are coming! 🤩

It's obvious from our previous post that many mums struggle with the balance between work and home life. I get it. I so get it. I would feel guilty when I was at work, that I should be at home with the kids. Then I'd feel guilty at home that I'm not at work.

We berate ourselves constantly for not having the right balance, for not keeping the house tidier, for being too tired to read to the kids or help them with their homework or spend quality family time.

We feel guilty for trying to rush our children to bed, just so we could have five minutes of peace to ourselves, which we then either spend watching tv or scrolling social media. And then we feel guilty for not doing something more productive or going to bed earlier.

Honestly, we are our own worst enemies and we are terrified that if we don't get it right, we will cause our children some sort of trauma.

I have been there. I'm still there. When I was working full time, being the people pleaser that I was, I left for work at 5.30am and got home by 7.30pm every day.
I was driving four hours a day and by the time I got home, I barely had the energy to string a sentence together, let alone function. And the guilt. It was never-ending and something had to change.

It took my breakdown for me to realise that I had been racing through life without ever being present. When I saw the kids or my then-husband, I was too tired to do anything with them.

I was functioning and physically, I was there. But mentally, I wasn't, constantly worrying about the future and ruminating on the past.
One thing I have learnt, during my many hours of therapy, is that no-one can hurt you in the present.

When you stop thinking ahead or behind and focus on what's happening right in front of you, the emotions of guilt, worry, pain, shame - they are not there. You are literally just taking in what's in front of you. It just is.

It seems like a long time ago when I reflect on my frame of mind, then and now, but when I look at my children - Lucy (11), Tom (10), Joe (😎 and Harry (nearly 7), I realise that time has just disappeared and I've missed so much.

But when I'm present, sitting on the couch with my babies cuddling up to me, there is no better feeling in the world! ❤️

Over the next week, we will be looking at ways mums can maximise their time and research tips for finding better balance in your life so you can lose the guilt and start enjoying more.

So please stay with me, as we begin to delve into the enormous issues that mummas face on a daily basis! Despite what you think, you are amazing! 🌟 Even though you might not feel like it, you are a strong warrior woman! ❤️

Lots of love and thank you so much to you all for your encouragement and support! ❤️🌟


5 Counsellor-Approved Tips for Balancing Work and Family Life