Sam's journey of turning crafting into a fun and eco-friendly adventure!

Who am I personally?

I am a passionate mum of two boys, who, in my former life, was a primary school teacher and now a home school mum. On this journey with me is my husband Paul, for almost 25 years, our two children Levi aged 10 and Elijah aged 8.

I have always loved being creative whether that's drawing, painting, graphic design, crafts, and I was really drawn to the creative side of DIYing our own products when we decided to go low tox in 2018. Although it was done out of necessity, it provided another creative outlet for me.

I love to read and lately, I've been gardening. I took a real interest at the start of the year when I wanted to grow medicinal herbs to use in my skincare products. I have managed to grow loads of plants, fruits and vegetables extremely well this year, and I am so proud of our efforts.

I am passionate about sustainability and saving our planet and sharing all the ways we ditch and switch to reduce both the chemical exposure to us, our pets, our home and the planet in simple ways with simple ingredients. 

What is my story?

I initially started my business in 2019 after trying Doterra Essential oils and having an amazing result. I tried them because after 5.5 years I had not been able to get my eldest son Levi (then 7) out of our bed, due to his overwhelming anxiety of sleeping alone.

I tried a Doterra oil called vetiver and the results blew me away. He was able to finally relax and feel comfortable sleeping in his bedroom alone, right from the start of the night and stay there without waking till morning. It totally transformed our lives.

I couldn't wait to share these amazing products with others. I initially shared the oils and a range of labels, bags, shirts, and handmade craft items, but over time and after doing a small business course, I changed direction last year to share my passion for DIY and release my own range of organic handmade luxury skincare, body care and cleaning products.

Making these products and helping busy working mums ditch and switch to low tox alternatives is my passion so that every family can live low tox without the need for searching constantly in different locations or having to buy all the separate ingredients. 

How do you start your mornings?

With a cup of rooibos tea and breakfast and a stroll in my garden. I love looking at the abundance that surrounds me in nature. I try to write down three things I am grateful for each day. I love to read each morning and start my day by learning something new. 

What is your product or Service? How does it help others?

My product is a range of Luxury, Handmade Organic, Skincare, Body care and Cleaning Products. The products are all handmade in house by me in small batches and packaged sustainably.

Not only do my products save time, money and energy but they leave busy working mums feeling amazing as they are 100% organic and by using our products, you are reducing the toxic load on their body and their families and helping to improve their overall health.   

If you could meet one person in the world dead or alive, who would it be? and why? and what would you ask them? 

Leonardo Decaprio as he is a huge environmentalist and activist who actively uses his status to reach support climate actions and improve the planets status for future use.

I would ask him what are his 3 key tips to living more sustainably and protecting our fragile ecosystem as we head into the future?

If I was face to face with a mumma who is struggling, what would be your message to her?

Don't give up, pause, take a breath and just take it one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month at a time. whatever you need to keep going in the right direction. 

Put your oxygen mask on first as you can't support others if you are burnt out and struggling to survive day by day.

Sometimes you have to say NO!, I can't do that. As mums we often say yes to everything to please everyone, It is ok to say NO, if it's bad for your mental health or you just need a break.  

Where can we go for more information?



Instagram: @dragonflyoilsandaccessories

Pinterest: @dragonflyoilsandaccessories

Facebook Group: Dragonfly Natural Living Community

YouTube: @dragonflynaturallivingtips

Phone: 0488 036 963

Email: sam@dragonflyoilsandaccessories


Jo Embraces Her Inner Healer and Finds Fulfillment in Life's Purpose


One mum’s journey to find her passion!