Jo Embraces Her Inner Healer and Finds Fulfillment in Life's Purpose

Name and Business. 
Jo/JoJo from Sacred Souls Holistic Healing 

Tell us who you are.

I am a happily married mum to two beautiful adult children and two fur babies. I am also a full-time carer for my husband of 25 years, who has Multiple Personalities – so I live with many different people and different energies (they appeared 5 years ago so it was a bit of a surprise!)

I love to walk along the beach – especially with my fur baby I also enjoy guided meditations, learning to read my Oracle cards and playing my singing bowls. 

How do you start your morning?

Coffee! Who doesn’t love a good coffee? I then like to take the dog down to the local off leash dog beach and surround myself with the sand, sea and sun. Starting the day with a walk of gratitude along the beach. There is something so calming about the ocean, even on her wildest days!

What is your story? And how do you help others?

Sacred Souls was born from many years of searching for fulfilment in life and realising that I have always been a healer/empath but wasn’t doing enough about it.

I have been surrounded by Crystals for as long as I can remember. When I think back I believe this actually started when my 13 year old son announced he was seeing spirit and he wasn’t dealing with it too well! So we started with placing crystals in his room and around the home and he started talking to and acknowledging spirit so he wasn’t so worried. This escalated and now I wear them, I sleep next to them, I have them all around my home and in my car! So because of this it I started making soul healing jewellery. Using beautiful gemstones charged with loving energy and frequencies that are specifically targeted to your individual needs and custom design.  There is so much energy and frequency in crystals and their ability to heal is simply amazing.

I extended on this love of holistic health and I found peace with Reiki, and a natural ability to allow the energy to flow.  Reiki makes my heart sing. Using a variety of tools and chakra balancing I can bring you a sense of relaxation, inner peace you may not have felt before.

Access Bars Consciousness resonated deeply with me because of the ability to release blockages and allow the issues of the body and mind to return to their natural state of calm. How does it do this? Imagine a computer that’s running at full capacity. This is your brain! Access Bars is an amazing therapy to help you de-frag the mind and get rid of everything that you no longer need. Like emptying the junk folder, tidying up the emails, clearing the cache and rebooting the PC! Woah! Cool right? Finally, I was introduced to Bioresonance Frequency Therapy and the AOScan Technology.

This was an absolute game changer in my house especially using the emotional balancing scans for my Husband and all the different alters. The sense of peace and grounding that I saw in him every time we used the technology made me realise that this was something I needed to share and I now offer it as a healing modality to help you find your own emotional balance and I assist other practitioners who decide to add it to their own practice/clinic.

If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be? Why? And what would you ask them?

This is a tough question so I’m choosing two

First, I’d love to talk to my Dad who passed over 10 years ago. I’d ask more about his life and my past

generations but mainly I want to know what the afterlife is all about! There are much bigger things in play than what is happening right here and now so he may have more of an insight!

Secondly, Albert Einstein. He once said “Everything is Energy, Future medicine will be the medicine of

Frequencies” and he was absolutely on point! How did he know this so many years ago? An amazing brilliant mind and I would love to sit and have a cuppa and chat with him whilst watching the sunset over the ocean.

If you were face to face with a Mumma who is struggling, what would be your message to her?

Remember no-one is perfect. They might look it on Insta or FB pages (or whatever socials they are on) but they aren’t reality. We all make mistakes. Own them, learn from them and move forward. Don’t compare yourself to others, you don’t need to. Love yourself You are enough.

Where can we go for more information?

You can find me at

Facebook – sacred souls – holistic healing

Insta – sacredsoulsau


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